Movement Implementation

See main page for the current version of Catacombs of the Lost.

The movement implementation wasn't too complicated, all it took was a simple rigidbody2D + a script that altered the current position based on the input from the player. It's set up so that the arrow keys and the W, A, S, and D keys can be used. They can also be used interchangeably (for now).

My preferred movement style for this project will be force-based. This means the character will move around using acceleration and friction. In my vision, I want the character to have to move around the room as the enemies approach, avoiding hazards and projectiles. I believe this would feel better if the character's movement was slightly slippery. The values for this will be tweaked and altered.

The character design is not final, but was quickly put together in a program called 'Aseprite'. It facilitates the drawing of pixel art, and will allow for easier exporting of animation frames later in the development cycle. The background is also a first-draft of the early floors of the catacombs, there will be other small details added, and hopefully some variability between each room!

At this stage, the character does not have arms, which is semi-intentional. it was easier to draw but I thought that if the player's arms were more like Rayman's (detached, floaty) it might make the character more exciting. I'm not aiming for the end result to be a serious RPG, so I'm having a little fun implementing things that seem ridiculous but might just add a little originality into an otherwise borrowed idea for a game.

My next step of development will be adding in the attacking mechanism. I'm thinking that I make it cursor-based, so the player can fully harness the character's movement and not have the attacks aligned to a grid (like The Binding of Isaac, Zelda).

All art is drawn by me, hence the quality. I'm planning to implement simple animations to the player and enemies, but have the attacks emphasised and hopefully with some neat effects!

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Apr 18, 2021

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